Council on Teacher Education

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III:  Clinical Experiences

Hiring and Reliability Training for Supervisors


New Supervisor Hires

 At a minimum, university supervisors of educator licensure students are required to have the following qualifications:

  1.  A strong academic background and PK-12 teaching experience.
  2.  Skills in supervision.
  3.  A minimum of three years of successful PK-12 teaching.
  4.  A master’s degree.


Reliability Training

In order to ensure reliability, all University supervisors responsible for consequential evaluation of student teacher/intern performance during clinical practice are required to complete approved initial training and annual recalibration, in the use of their program’s clinical practice assessment instrument(s).


Exceptions will be made for supervisors who have previous training and/or licensure in the use of the appropriate instruments.


“Reliability” can be supported through evidence of:

  • Agreement among multiple raters of the same event or artifact (or the same candidate at different points in time),
  • Stability or consistency of ratings over time, and
  • Evidence of internal consistency of measures.


Educator licensure program staff and university supervisors will work with CoTE staff in establishing effective calibration, re-calibration, and reliability processes for supervisors.


Reliability measures taken from CAEP Evidence Guide, January, 2015.