Regular attendance in placements is expected of educator licensure candidates. Educator licensure candidates will follow the district calendar regarding attendance during the field placement. The school's calendar in relation to vacations, in-service programs, holidays, and daily starting and ending times should be followed. Making up missed days is required in accordance with program policy. If absences become excessive, program personnel will determine whether the field placement period will be extended beyond the end of the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign semester or terminated.
Educator licensure programs are required to have an absence policy filed with the Council on Teacher Education. Educator licensure program policies should include the following and be shared with educator licensure candidates:
Whenever illness occurs, the educator licensure candidate has the responsibility of notifying cooperating personnel and the university supervisor before school begins. Procedures for reporting absences to the principal should follow the policy of the assigned school. If an educator licensure candidate will be absent from the classroom to attend a university-sponsored activity, such as a seminar, they should make arrangements with cooperating personnel and university supervisor regarding the absence(s).
Unexcused or extended absences may require an extension of the educator licensure candidate’s clinical experience as determined by appropriate educator licensure program personnel.
Illinois law requires the university to reasonably accommodate its students’ religious beliefs, observances, and practices in regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements. (Student Code at the University of Illinois)