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Cooperating Professionals (CP) & Supervisors

Cooperating Professional Clinical Experience Placement Agreement


I. I understand my service responsibilities as a cooperating professional are:

  • To orient the university candidates to the entire school, facility, or agency setting, including any safety concerns, school or agency policies, and duties or responsibilities of the faculty;
  • To help the university candidates understand their role as it relates to the professional practice assignment, and the total program, and to define the extent of their responsibility and authority;
  • To discuss the school program with the university candidates so that they will understand program activities in relation to immediate and long-term goals;
  • To provide opportunities for university candidates to gain experience in management of regular professional duties as soon as advisable and with as much initiative and responsibility as the situation will permit;
  • To provide an opportunity for full management-planning, preparation, instruction, and evaluation during the student teaching semester—for a sufficiently long period to provide a representative total professional practice experience;
  • To provide opportunities for completion of teacher candidate performance assessments such as the edTPA, which may include independent planning and teaching of a series of lessons, video recording of teaching events, and analysis of student performance data;
  • To work with the university supervisor in guiding the progress of the candidates throughout the field experience;
  • To cooperate with university personnel to assure that academic assignments and requirements are completed;
  • To serve as a model and information source, helping candidates improve professional practice, teaching skills, strategies, student-teacher rapport, and understanding of both cognitive and affective aspects of practice;
  • To evaluate candidates’ progress on a continuing basis, gathering and recording information for the following purposes:

a. Regularly conferring with candidates for purposes of analysis, feedback, and guidance; and

b. Providing data and evidence in writing for the university supervisor to use in evaluating the candidates’ progress.


II. In return for your service as a cooperating professional, the University shall provide you with one tuition and service fee waiver for one individual semester (fall, spring, summer).

  • Waivers will be valid starting with the term immediately following the term the waiver is earned.
  • Cooperating personnel have four consecutive terms in which to use the tuition and service fee waiver assigned to them for that term.
  • Tuition and service fee waivers may be applied to courses for credit at any of the three campuses of the University of Illinois. If a cooperating professional wishes to use the waiver at an institution other than the Urbana campus, they must contact the Council on Teacher Education at  Each campus has its own policies and procedures regarding waiver use.  After CoTE transfers a waiver, it will be subject to the policies of the university it is transferred to.
  • Use of tuition and service fee waivers is subject to applicable university admission policies and other university policies. It is expressly understood that campuses may reserve the right to restrict the use of waivers.
  • A tuition waiver allows exemption of the following University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign assessments:

    a. Tuition costs incurred for any non-restricted course(s) or non-restricted program during the term in which tuition waiver is requested;

    b. University service fee if automatically assessed as part of the registration process during the term in which tuition waiver is requested;

    c. McKinley Health Center fee if automatically assessed as part of the registration process during the term in which tuition waiver is requested.

  • A tuition and service fee waiver DOES NOT allow exemption of the following assessments:

    a. Medical insurance fee (can be waived only if the student demonstrates at the time of registration medical insurance equivalent in coverage to that offered by The University);

    b. Laboratory or course fees incurred as part of any course.

  • Tuition and service fee waivers may be used only by the cooperating professional to whom a waiver has been assigned. It is not possible to transfer waivers to other individuals.
  • Individuals may only earn one waiver per semester regardless of source.


III. This Agreement will be considered to be effective as of the date of electronic signature and will remain in effect for five years unless terminated or modified earlier by University policy changes, State legislation or Board of Trustee action.

  • It is understood and agreed that neither party to this Agreement shall be legally liable for any negligent or wrongful acts, either of commission or omission, chargeable to the other, unless such liability is imposed by law and this Agreement shall not be construed as seeking to either enlarge or diminish any obligation or duty owed by one party to the other or against third parties.
  • Cooperating Personnel shall comply with applicable provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 USC 1232 (g), otherwise known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment, and shall take all measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality of any and all information in its possession regarding the candidate who trains pursuant to this Agreement.