Council on Teacher Education

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Licensure FAQ


Applying for Licensure


Q:  When should I apply for licensure?

A:  If you are completing an approved program at the Urbana campus you should apply at the beginning of the semester in which you will complete your program.


Q:  Where can I get an application for licensure?

A:  Applications are available through your Student Portal under Prior to Licensure.


Q:  Can I print an application from the Illinois State Board of Education web site and submit that to the Council on Teacher Education?

A:  No.  You must use the application provided by the Council on Teacher Education.


Q:  When I apply for licensure will the University provide ISBE with my official transcripts?

A:  No, you are responsible for completing the transcript order request to submit your academic records to the Illinois State Board of Education.  You will complete the transcript order and forward the order confirmation email to the Council on Teacher Education at


Setting up an ELIS account with ISBE


Q:  What is an ELIS Account?

A:   ELIS (Educator Licensure Information System) is the ISBE site where all your educator licenses and endorsements are housed.


Q:  How do I set up an ELIS account?

A:  Go to  Follow the account set-up instructions to create your account and acquire your Illinois Educator Identification Number (IEIN).


Q:  Where can I find my ELIS Account Number/Illinois Educator Identification Number (IEIN)?

A:  Once you’ve set up your account it will be on your ELIS account home page.