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Program Staff

Guidance on Obtaining Approvals for Changes to Licensure Programs


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Council on Teacher Education 

August 24, 2016

Type of Change    CoTE   ISBECampus  IBHE
Changes to admissions requirements, timelines, or procedures      X   
Changes to early field experiences that may result in a decrease in hours required by the candidate      X   
Changes to student teaching experiences that may result in a decrease in required time in placement or a change in selection criteria for University supervisors or cooperating professionals      X      X  
Mode of coursework delivery changes (face-to-face courses become online or blended, for example)      X      X  
Course changes--title, description, course number      X      X      X 
Significant revision or changes in course content (adding or removing course content or moving content from one course to another)      X      X      X 
Course changes that change the credit hours      X      X      X 
Removing required courses      X      X      X 
Changing “elective” options      X      X      X 
Any time a change is made in hours to a degree      X      X      X 
Creating a new major and/or degree program      X      X      X     X


What documentation is necessary for each level of approval?

CoTE:  A letter or email describing the change and documenting its approval by the relevant department administrator. 

ISBE:  Depends on the type of change:

- For changes to an existing program, a form describing the proposed change.  Typically, CoTE staff will prepare a draft for your review from information included in your campus revision documents.  If the proposed change requires only ISBE approval (not campus), then a letter or email describing the change and its approval by the relevant department administrator should be sent to CoTE.

- If the change involves adding, removing, or combining courses, programs are additionally required to prepare matrices documenting how the program (inclusive of proposed changes) will align to the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and to state and national content standards.  Programs must also document how they prepare candidates to address the social/emotional learning standards with their preK-12 students.

- For proposals of new or substantively revised programs, ISBE will likely require submission of a full new program proposal document.  This is a lengthy document describing courses, faculty capacity, field experiences, etc. and includes all matrices described above.  CoTE staff will assist in the preparation of this document.

- A signature page with signatures of the relevant department and college office will be needed to ensure all are aware, and approve, of the proposed change. 

Campus:  A completed campus proposal form submitted along with signatures of the relevant department and college administrators (  All courses must be identified with a rubric, course number, and correct course title.  If changes to the program will affect other departments, a letter from the said department(s) acknowledging the change, and hopefully agreeing to the change, must accompany the proposal.

What kinds of changes may be made without notification to CoTE, campus, or ISBE?

- Change in the time of day/days of the week that a required course is taught.

- Change made to the sequencing of courses, or to the plan for required courses are taken together in a particular semester (presuming student teaching continues to be taken in the final semester).

- Modifications to early field experiences so long as number of hours is not decreasing (changes in timing of placement, placement requirements, placement procedures, supervision approach, assignments).

- Modification to student teaching experience that do not involve qualifications of university supervisor or cooperating professional or a decrease in required time in placement.

What is the process for securing approvals?

1.  Determine level(s) of approval needed for intended change.

2.  Prepare draft and send to CoTE for informal feedback.

3.  Finalize draft and send to CoTE with appropriate administrative approvals.

For CoTE only changes:

- Changes will be approved administratively or scheduled for discussion at Council Exec meeting as appropriate.

For CoTE and ISBE changes:

- Changes will be approved administratively or scheduled for discussion at Council Exec meeting.

- Once Council Exec or CoTE approval has received, program revision paperwork will be sent to ISBE for approval.

For CoTE, ISBE, and Campus changes:

- Changes will be approved administratively or scheduled for discussion at Council Exec meeting as appropriate.

- Once Council Exec or CoTE approval has been received, program revision paperwork will be sent to campus for approval.

- Once campus approval has been received, program revision paperwork will be sent to ISBE simultaneously with campus approval).

When is campus program revision required for grad programs?

- Any graduate program included in the Programs of Study identifying specific courses for licensure that will change will need to go through the entire campus approval process (i.e., department, college, Council Exec, Educational Policy Committee, Senate, IBHE).

- Any graduate program that is generic on the Programs of Study page (e.g., 32 hours of coursework) will need to complete the campus revision document but it will only need to go through the approval process of the Council Executive Committee.  Once the Council Executive committee approves the licensure changes a notice will be sent to the Provost's Office.

The following changes would require approval at least through the Council Executive Committee and beyond as dictated by what is in the Programs of Study:  

(Note: per Educational Policy Committee all courses shall be listed with rubric, number, and title).

- Course changes that change the hours.

- Removing required courses.

- Adding required courses.

- Changing "elective" options.

- Any time a change is made in hours to degree.

Please note:  No changes may be implemented until ALL approvals have been received.