The Council on Teacher Education (CoTE) is a central administrative unit housed in the College of Education. The Council, or "CoTE," oversees the 31 professional educator programs on campus and ensures that all programs meet Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) licensure requirements for PK-12 professional educators. The educator preparation programs at Illinois are accredited by the Illinois State Board of Education and the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board.
Faculty and staff in each respective licensure area have used their knowledge, research, and expertise to design the highest quality coursework and clinical experiences to prepare PK-12 classroom teachers, administrators, or school service professionals. CoTE works closely with program faculty and staff and we are here to serve candidates, program faculty and staff, and program partners as we meet licensure requirements together.
CoTE is the appointed institutional unit for entitlement of educator candidates for state licensure and ensuring all requirements for approved programs are met. Council staff are here to help you navigate requirements, understand procedures, and support you in any way we can. Our hope is this website will provide you a toolbox for navigating the professional educator licensure process at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and we welcome your feedback!
If you have any questions please contact us.