Establishing the criteria for selection of cooperating teachers is the joint responsibility of CoTE and individual educator licensure programs. Many factors must be weighed when making the selection of the "best possible" learning sites for our candidates. Specific placement procedures vary within programs and with individual school districts. Each educator licensure program is responsible to ensure that cooperating personnel meet the CoTE minimum criteria (see list below) and any additional requirements established by the educator licensure program. All clinical experience placements are finalized through procedures agreed upon by both the school district and the educator licensure program.
The requirements for cooperating personnel detailed in this policy do not apply in cases in which the educator licensure candidate is completing student teaching in a community-based early childhood education setting, charter school, or non-public school and the cooperating teacher holds a Gateways Level 5 credential.
Cooperating personnel supporting educator licensure candidates from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign must meet the following CoTE minimum criteria:
Meeting CoTE’s minimum criteria does not guarantee an educator licensure candidate placement.
All programs must have a written report on file with CoTE that includes: