Council on Teacher Education

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Subsequent Endorsements

Health Education (PK - Grade 12) Subsequent Endorsement


This subsequent endorsement requires 18 credit hours of health education content area coursework and a passing score on the #211 Health Education content test. 

Courses that meet the Health Education (PK –12) and Physical Education (PK –12) subsequent endorsement requirements are available through the Department of Health and Kinesiology (HK)*. Some courses in the HK department meet Health Education coursework requirements, some HK courses meet Physical Education coursework requirements, and some HK courses do not meet coursework requirements for either endorsement.

If you have questions about what coursework can be applied to the Physical Education or Health Education subsequent endorsements, please contact the Council on Teacher Education at

* Applicable courses taken prior to Spring 2025 in CHLH and KIN will still count for these endorsements.