If you are pursuing both the ESL and Bilingual Education subsequent endorsements, the ISBE-Approved ESL/Bilingual Education Subsequent Endorsements Coursework Checklist will help you to identify courses that fulfill requirements for both endorsements.
This endorsement requires 18 semester hours of coursework and additional requirements below.
1. A valid Professional Educator License.
2. ESL clinical experience equal to 100 clock hours or three months teaching experience with ESL or Bilingual Education students. The school professional you work with where the hours are conducted needs to write a detailed letter on school letterhead documenting the nature of activities, the age group of individuals in the program, number of days/hours per day worked, etc. The school professional may also send an email to the Council at info@cote.illinois.edu from their school email account as an alternative to writing a letter on letterhead.
For clinical experience through UIUC, but not through student teaching, students may enroll in EIL 214, TESL in Elementary School; EIL 215, TESL in Secondary School; or CI 595, Independent Study.
- A student log must be kept of time spent in EIL 214 or 215.
- Instructor must write a letter describing nature of activities, age group, etc.
- Log and letter must be sent to Council on Teacher Education at info@cote.illinois.edu.
Credits totaling 18 semester hours distributed among the following five required course areas:
1. Linguistics - Choose one or more of the following.
CI 507, Problems & Trends in Special Fields, 'Linguistics for Classroom Teaching' section only
LING 100, Intro to Language Science
LING 400, Intro to Linguistic Structure
EIL 422/ENGL 404, English Grammar for ESL Teachers
EIL 486, Linguistics for Language Teachers
EIL 487, Topics in Second Language Studies
EIL 488, Phonology for Second Language Teachers or
SPAN 252, Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics [SPAN 302 prior to FA09]
2. Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL
CI/LLS 433, Foundations of Bilingual Education or
LING 489, FR/GER/ITAL/PORT/SPAN 489, Theoretical Foundations of SLA
3. Assessment of the Bilingual Student
CI/LLS 517, Bilingual and English as a Second Language Assessment or
EIL 460, FR/GER/ITAL/PORT/SPAN 460, EPSY 487, Principles of Language Testing
4. Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL
CI 477, Bilingual/ESL Methods & Materials or
EIL 411, Intro to TESL Methodology
5. Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited English Proficient Students
CI 415, Language Varieties, Cultures, and Learning
CI 446, Culture in the Classroom
LING 450, Sociolinguistics I or
EIL 456, Lang and Social Interaction I
Note: CI 415 is a restricted course, but will count for this area for those who are required to take the course
Electives if needed to reach 18 credit hours:
Select additional courses from above or
Other courses may be approved on a case-by-case basis