Council on Teacher Education

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IV:  Procedures

Guidelines for Monitoring GPA for Educator Licensure Candidates


Once an educator licensure candidate is admitted to an educator licensure program, the candidate's University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign GPA will be monitored each semester to make certain that his/her academic record warrants continuation in the program.  Upon review, if it is found that the overall GPA has fallen below 2.5 (undergraduate candidates) or a 3.0 (graduate candidates), a warning letter will be issued to the educator licensure candidate by the Council on Teacher Education.  Clinical experience program coordinators, advisors, and the appropriate representative to the CoTE Executive Committee will receive copies of the educator licensure candidate’s warning letters so they can follow up with the educator licensure candidate as deemed appropriate by their specific department. Sustained academic performance below the required grade point average threshold puts an educator licensure candidate at risk of being dropped from the licensure program.


Student Teaching

If an undergraduate educator licensure candidate's overall GPA is below 2.5 the semester prior to student teaching, a warning letter will be issued to the educator licensure candidate by the Council on Teacher Education. The educator licensure candidate will not be allowed to student teach unless he/she has petitioned CoTE to continue and been granted permission to do so.