Council on Teacher Education

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IV:  Procedures

Procedures for Evaluating Teacher Education Candidates Prior to Student Teaching & Licensure


Evaluation Prior to Student Teaching:

The clinical experiences program coordinator will review the qualifications of candidates who intend to student teach in the subsequent semester.  The review will take into account all academic records that are available and the evaluations of early field experiences.

The following criteria should be applied to each candidate:

1.  The candidate has qualified for a student teaching assignment in terms of program requirements, e.g., method courses are completed, the candidate has accumulated a minimum of 80 hours of early field experience, the candidate has a minimum 2.5 (A=4.0) institutional and overall grade point average and meets other GPA requirements (e.g., in the major) as specified by individual programs;

2.  The evidence suggests that the candidate has met professional standards of scholarship, ethics and responsibility;

3.  Grades in methods courses and professional education are predominantly A's and B's.  A grade of C in a methods course or in an EFE assignment does not automatically result in withholding a recommendation for student teaching, but candidates in this category merit special review.

Candidates who apparently do not merit recommendation after a preliminary study will be further reviewed by enlisting the comments of relevant faculty members and/or public school personnel.  On the basis of this additional study, the clinical experiences program coordinator may or may not recommend a candidate for student teaching.

Candidates who are not recommended for student teaching should be notified by the clinical experiences program coordinator.  A list of students recommended and not recommended should be submitted to the Council on Teacher Education as soon as possible after the close of the semester.  For an occasional candidate, relevant information may not be available at the designated time for review.  The Council on Teacher Education will, when appropriate, aid program areas in reviewing deferred decisions in a timely manner.


Evaluation Prior to Recommendations for Licensure:

The clinical experiences program coordinator reviews the student teaching evaluations completed by both the University supervisors and the cooperating teachers to ascertain if candidates who have completed student teaching merit recommendation for licensure.

The following criteria should be applied to each candidate:

1.  The evaluations of student teaching suggest that the candidate has met professional standards, including scholarship, ethics, and responsibility;

2.  The candidate has completed program requirements, has accumulated a minimum of 80 hours of early field experience, has a minimum 2.5 (A=4.0) institutional and overall grade point average and meets other GPA requirements (e.g., in the major) as specified by individual programs.

3.  Grades in methods courses are predominately A's and B's.  Candidates who receive U grades (unsatisfactory) in student teaching are not eligible to be recommended for licensure.  These candidates are eligible for graduation, however, if they have sufficient credit hours and grade point averages and their colleges will graduate them.

Candidates who apparently do not merit recommendation after a preliminary study are further reviewed by enlisting the comments of relevant faculty members and/or pubic school personnel.  On the basis of the additional study, the clinical experience program coordinator may or may not recommend a candidate for licensure.

A list of candidates recommended and not recommended should be submitted to the Council on Teacher Education as soon as possible after the close of the semester.  If for any reason the recommendation process is delayed, the Council office should be informed of the delay, and a projected target date for completing the task will be set.

Candidates who are denied licensure are notified of this action by the Council office upon receipt of the recommendation from the area committee.