Council on Teacher Education

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IV:  Procedures

Decision Making Unit for Petitions Relevant to Teacher Education Program Requirements

 Nature of Petition:Decision:Information to:
1.To make substitutions or waivers in general education requirements (Undergraduate)CollegeCouncil
2.To make substitutions or waivers in general education requirements (Graduates)CouncilDepartment(s)
3.To make substitutions or waivers in major, minor or area of concentration (Colleges will assure that course substitutions are reviewed by instructors for compliance with standards) CollegeCouncil
4.To deviate from requirements specified in the Unit Common Assessment PlansCouncilCollege and Department 
5.To make substitutions or waivers in the courses in the professional education sequence (EPSY, EPS, SPED) petitions must be supported by syllabi which will be reviewed by the Urbana campus course instructor to assure that all standards have been met)CouncilCollege and Department
6. Accept substitutions or waivers for EFE requirements (petitions must be supported with course syllabi, a completed Urbana CAP EFE form, and any portfolio artifacts that the Urbana campus course provides)CouncilCollege and Department
7. Request to student teach on probationCouncilCollege and Department


1.  All petitions that come to the Council for ultimate review require departmental and college review prior to Council action.  Council action on petitions is reported to all levels - candidates, advisor, department, college, and clinical experiences program coordinator, when appropriate.

2.  IAI articulations will be honored for courses in general education, professional education, and subject matter content.

3.  Requests to waive or substitute student teaching are not likely to be granted often.  The petitioner will need to demonstrate that completing student teaching through this campus poses a hardship.

4.  Courses approved as substitutes for Urbana campus courses, other than IAI, will be reviewed for continued acceptability on a 7-year cycle.

5.  Post-MSW candidates and others who complete programs elsewhere and seek the recommendation of Urbana campus for Illinois licensure will be required to demonstrate that the program they have completed meets the same standards as the Urbana campus program.  Candidates will be required to submit a portfolio which will be evaluated by the appropriate Urbana campus clinical experiences coordinator who will be responsible for recommending the candidate to the Council for licensure.