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III:  Clinical Experiences

edTPA Plagiarism


Evaluation Systems of Pearson uses software to screen edTPA submissions for originality of content against prior submissions and public Internet sources. Portfolios identified for administrative review are further evaluated by multiple staff experts for potentially significant similarities to other sources. If a high level of similarity is found, the candidate’s edTPA results are voided, and this action may be reported to the licensure program and to ISBE. The candidate may register again, at his or her expense, to complete the edTPA. The candidate may also appeal the decision by submitting additional information to Evaluation Systems.

Upon notification of a voided result, the program coordinator should conduct a mandatory “corrective and educative conversation” meeting with the candidate and any other persons deemed appropriate. The purpose of this meeting is to (1) reinforce the serious nature of the violation, and (2) make sure that the candidate understands the consequences and his or her options going forward.

Included in these understandings is that the candidate’s licensure program is not obligated to provide further support or incur any further expense for the re-submission of the candidate’s edTPA portfolio (e.g. arranging a subsequent placement, providing supervision or technical support). Any additional support that may be provided is strictly at the program’s discretion.