Council on Teacher Education

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Licensure FAQ

Licensure FAQ

Questions About Applying for Licensure


Q:  When should I apply for licensure?

A:  If you are completing an approved program at the Urbana campus you should apply at the beginning of the semester in which you will complete your program.


Q:  Where can I get an application for licensure?

A:  Applications are available through your Student Portal under Prior to Licensure.


Q:  Can I print an application from the Illinois State Board of Education web site and submit that to the Council on Teacher Education?

A:  No.  You must use the application provided by the Council on Teacher Education.


Q:  When I apply for licensure will the University provide the ISBE with my official transcripts?

A:  No, submitting your transcripts to ISBE is part of the requirements for licensure.  You will need to submit your transcripts to ISBE and send proof of sending to the Council at