Council on Teacher Education

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Required Tests for Illinois Licensure

Required Tests for Illinois Licensure

Testing Fee Vouchers


Licensure Area Content Test Fee Vouchers

Each year CoTE typically receives $25 from the testing company to help offset the cost of the content tests.  The CoTE will hold a lottery that candidates may put their name in to potentially receive a voucher.  Emails will be sent to candidates' email addresses notifying of when the lottery will be held.


edTPA Fee Voucher Info

Each year CoTE receives a very limited number of vouchers to cover the cost of the edTPA.  A lottery will be administered for the vouchers.  Candidates will be notified via e-mail of the lottery.

Candidates who are assigned a test scoring voucher for their edTPA assessment must submit the following documents to CoTE as proof of use:  registration email, submission email, and score report.  Failure to apply assigned vouchers will result in the face value of the unused voucher(s) being deducted from the program's CoTE supervision allocation.